Recently I purchased this Bible study series which was very inexpensive. I had never heard of Beth Jones but from what I saw on the website it sounded like it would be a good study.
I just listened to the second session last night and wanted to share a nugget with you that jumped out at me. Now, there were a lot of things that she said that were great. This one just seemed applicable to me.
Proverbs 31:10 says "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." The worth of something is determined by how much someone will pay for that item. How much am I worth? How much did someone pay for me? Jesus paid for me with his life. What is worth more than that?
So when I get down and feel like I am a lousy mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, employee, etc. it is with disrespect for the One who paid the ultimate price for me. If Jesus thinks I'm worth enough to die for then I need to believe it myself. That is so hard when the pressures of this world make me feel inadequate.
Here's a challenge: the next time you hear someone, including yourself, feeling unworthy remind them who paid for them and how much He paid. We need to take back our worth and invest it in the lives of young women today who feel unworthy.
There is so much more I could share about what I watched last night. I'm a very black and white, concrete person that when I read about the Proverbs 31 woman I read it literally and wonder how I can do all that and be the kind of person she is. But Beth shared some examples of how else to view this passage and some tangible ways to try to be that kind of person. It was very powerful and thought-provoking.
This is one of the best Bible studies I've gone through and am looking forward to finishing the series. If you'd like to go through it with me, please let me know. It would be fun to share it.